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苍井空电影百度搜索 HBO新剧《西部寰球》成为下个《权游》的五粗野义
发布日期:2024-09-26 21:03    点击次数:126

苍井空电影百度搜索 HBO新剧《西部寰球》成为下个《权游》的五粗野义




HBO has long stood as a bastion for some of the best shows television has to offer. Its lengthy history is occupied by a handful of truly great series, all culminating in the impressive run it's currently experiencing with Game of Thrones. The adaptation of George R.R. Martin's popular novels has become one of TV's most-watched weekly events every spring. Like all good things though, Game of Thrones eventually will come to an end, with just two shortened seasons left before it goes off the air for good (at least in its current form). This imminent departure leads us to one question: What's next for HBO? HBO持久以来一直是一些品性绝佳的电视剧的阵脚。在HBO悠久的历史上出现了几部伟大剧作,它们齐和《职权的游戏》一样达到了收视巅峰。该剧改编自乔治•R•R•马丁的东谈主气演义,是每年春季收视最高的周播节目之一。和系数的佳作一样,《职权的游戏》终将限度,距该剧持久停播仅剩下两短季(至少从现时来看)。《职权的游戏》的行将收尾给咱们带来一个问题:HBO的下一步是什么?

With Game of Thrones set to exit stage left, the network is going to need an heir apparent. Lucky for them, they've been preparing one for years now with Westworld. The artificial intelligence-centric sci-fi epic will seek to ease the pain of leaving Westeros, and from the look of early trailers, we see no reason why it won't. Here's why. 由于《职权的游戏》行将下线,HBO电视台需要详情一部接档剧。红运的是,他们谋略多年如今制作出了《西部寰球》。这部围绕着东谈主工智能的科幻史诗剧将缓解咱们告别《职权的游戏》的可怜。从早期的预报片来看,咱们莫本心义觉得不是这么。原因如下:

1. Westworld already has a five year plan in place 《西部寰球》已有五年策画


The long-term success of any show is rooted in the ability of its writers to plan out its story on a large scale. Game of Thrones' own roadmap was already in place before its first episode ever aired, helped by George R.R. Martin's series of novels. In terms of the years-long production process, Westworld lead actor James Marsden provides us with some insight, courtesy of Entertainment Weekly. 任何电视剧的持久顺利齐源自其编剧对剧情的总体经营智力。得益于乔治·R·R·马丁的系列演义,《职权的游戏》的故事发展线在第一集开播前就照旧写好。据《文娱周刊》报谈,《西部寰球》的主演詹姆斯•麦斯登判辨了该剧历经数年之久的制作流程。

It wasn't about getting the first 10 (episodes) done, it was about mapping out what the next five or six years are going to be. We wanted everything in line so that when the very last episode airs and we have our show finale, five or seven years down the line, we knew how it was going to end the first season. 这不是说处理前10集,而是策画出接下来5、6年的剧情会是什么样的。咱们让系数剧情齐按照故事线来走,这么咱们早在第一季就知谈五至七年后,终末一集大结局会是什么样的。

Compare that to the decidedly more "fly by the seat of their pants" approach of sci-fi contemporaries like Lost and Battlestar Galactica, and we see a far more meticulously crafted narrative for Westworld. This only serves to strengthen the long-term potential of the fledgling series, helped by an already fully-formed story arc. 《迷失》、《天际堡垒卡拉狄加》等同类科幻作品显豁更多是凭嗅觉,与这种格式比拟,咱们看到《西部寰球》的叙事细密得多。借助澈底成形的故事线,这只会普及该部新剧的持久后劲。

2. The A-list cast 一流的演员声势


Game of Thrones is famous for bringing in the most talented actors in the business, from Peter Dinklage's lengthy run as Tyrion Lannister, to Ian McShane's tragically short-lived appearance last season. Westworld will be pulling out all the stops for its own cast, bringing on Anthony Hopkins, Evan Rachel Wood, Ed Harris, James Marsden, and Jeffrey Wright. 从彼特•丁拉基持久饰演的提利昂•兰尼斯特,到伊恩•麦柯肖恩上一季片霎的悲催亮相,《职权的游戏》以邀请业内最具禀赋的演员出演而著称。《西部寰球》将使出周身解数打造其演员声势,问候东尼•霍普金斯,埃文•蕾切尔•伍德,埃德•哈里斯,詹姆斯•马斯登和杰弗里•赖特参与献技。

This isn't just a TV-worthy collection of actors either; it's a cast that would be coveted for even the most high-profile of summer blockbusters. Whether or not the show up ends up being a thematic success remains to be seen, but even if it flopped story-wise, it wouldn't be for lack of talent attached to the project. 一样,他们也不是一群小银幕演员,就连最受热心的暑期大片齐会觊觎这个演员声势。最终能否顺利获取主流不雅众的招供还要走着瞧,但即使剧情不受接待,那也毫不是因为演员声势不够盛大。

3. A strong original story from Michael Crichton 迈克尔•克莱顿盛大的原著


Michael Crichton is most known as the mastermind behind the original Jurassic Park novel. That said, his body of work expands far beyond just that, having written and directed the 1973 film HBO's own iteration of Westworld is based on. 迈克尔•克莱顿最为东谈主熟知的身份是演义《侏罗纪公园》的作家。诚然,他的作品远远不啻这些,HBO翻拍的《西部寰球》基于1973老大克尔•克莱顿创作并执导的同名电影。

4. The showrunners 《西部寰球》制作主谈主

A show is only as good as the people in charge of its creative direction. In the case of Westworld, the team of writers and producers is a veritable who's who of sci-fi luminaries. Jonathan Nolan (The Dark Knight) and Lisa Joy (Pushing Daisies) are attached as the showrunners, while J.J. Abrams and Bryan Burk (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Fringe) will serve as executive producers. There are a whole lot of talented cooks in the kitchen, and combined, they make up an A-team worthy of Westworld's bold premise. 一部剧的质料取决于其厚爱创意引导的东谈主。在《西部寰球》中,编剧和制片东谈主团队齐是名副其实的科幻作品众人。乔纳森•诺兰(《蝙蝠侠前传2:昏昧骑士》)和丽萨•乔伊(《灵指神探》)担任制作主谈主,而J•J•艾布拉姆斯和布莱恩•伯克(《星球大战:原力醒悟》)将担任推行制片东谈主。该剧中有好多专科东谈主才,他们一谈构成了一支能独霸《西部寰球》斗胆假定的一流队列。

5. There's nothing like Westworld on TV today 《西部寰球》在现在电视上无出其右

Part of what's made Game of Thrones so impactful in the landscape of modern TV has been the way it's blazed brand new territory for fantasy epics. You'd be hard-pressed to find another show that's managed to accomplish what GoT has, despite the better efforts of pale imitations (looking at you, Marco Polo). 《职权的游戏》在现代电视圈有如斯影响力的部分原因是,它为玄幻史诗剧点亮了全新的鸿沟。尽管小巫见大巫的仿制剧照旧进展得更好(说你呢,《马可•波罗》),然而你如故很难找到一部剧不错取得《职权的游戏》所取得的设立。

Westworld's own creative ambitions are similarly unique. If it ends up catching on, it has the potential to launch the artificial intelligence sci-fi concept into the television mainstream. Of course it could also fly too close to the sun and burn up in a blaze of glory, but at least for now, we remain cautiously optimistic based on the initial buzz. 与之访佛,《西部寰球》也有计较创始一块新鸿沟。淌若最终能流行起来,该剧便可能将东谈主工智能科幻剧引入主流电视节目。诚然,《西部寰球》也可能玩火自焚,然而至少现时来看,基于前几集的口碑,咱们对该剧如故不错握有审慎乐不雅的格调。
